Welcome to New Creation Church Taunton

Currently we have two morning services.

Join us for our Sunday service at 9am or 11:30am, coffee will be served from 10:30-11:30, as always, there is a warm welcome and someone to answer any questions you may have about the church.

We are a diverse church made up of many nations with over 40% of our congregation coming from different counties around the World.

You are warmly invited to visit - there will be someone to help you find your way around the building (see directions below).

Please get in touch via the Contact Form (button below), if you have any specific questions.

Directions to our Sunday venue:

New Creation Church

Canon St, Taunton TA1 1SN


Contact us

Got any questions or would you like to speak to one of our team? Simply fill out the contact form and we will be in touch soon.

A little about us…

We are a vibrant church family meeting in the heart of Taunton, the County Town of Somerset, UK, with members and visitors from Bridgwater to Wiveliscombe. Whether you're exploring the Christian faith for the first time or are looking for a community of believers to belong to, you are warmly invited to visit us.

Meet the team


Our story so far…

New Creation Church launched in January 2023, we are formed of two previous Churches in Taunton. Canon Street Church and Taunton Family Church.

New Creation Church Taunton is now part of the Newfrontiers Church Network.

A little history of Taunton Family Church (TFC) started in February 2011 when Jeff and Lori Moss moved to Taunton from Yeovil Family Church with an original team of 20 adults and 3 children.  

After prayerful consideration, Richard and Naomi Shaw answered the call to move to Taunton from Portsmouth and arrived in September 2019 to lead the church when Jeff and Lori relocated to Southampton.

A little history of Canon Street Church we’ve been meeting for over 70 years in the same location, the Church was Taunton’s first Pentecostal church. Sim and Carryn Cracknell have led the Church here since 2017.